Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Publicity: Flesh and Stone

Doctor Who – Flesh and Stone Ep 5/13

Saturday 1 May, 6.25-7.10pm BBC ONE/HD

Written by Steven Moffat; Directed by Adam Smith; Produced by Tracie Simpson

Supporting Cast:
River Song - Alex Kingston; Alistair - Simon Dutton; Father Octavian - Iain Glen; Cleric Christian - Mark Springer; Cleric Angelo - Troy Glasgow; Cleric Bob - David Atkins; Cleric Phillip - George Russo, Cleric Pedro - Mark Monero; Security Guard - Mike Skinner

There's no way back, no way up and no way out. Trapped among an army of Weeping Angels, the Doctor and his friends must try to escape through the wreckage of a crashed space liner, in the fifth epsiode of Doctor Who, written by Steven Moffat.

Meanwhile, in the forest vault, the Doctor's companion, Amy Pond, finds herself facing an even more deadly attack.

BBC Doctor Who Website - Flesh and Stone

Media Coverage:
Airlock Alpha(6th) - Parents Fear 'Doctor Who' Is Too Scary Now
On The Box(6th) - Dr. Who Too Sexy for Mumsnet
Western Mail(6th) - Has Doctor Who become too grown up?
Sunday Mail(5th) - Scantily-clad vampires and a pass at Doctor Who... the BBC's idea of family viewing
Telegraph(5th) - 'Sexed up' Dr Who scenes prompt complaints to BBC
The Sun(5th) - Steamy Doc scenes blasted
Digital Spy(5th) - BBC receives complaints over sexy 'Who'
IGN(4th) - Doctor Who: "Flesh and Stone" Review
Digital Spy(3rd) - 'Flesh and Stone' applauded by critics
Shadowlocked(3rd) - Doctor Who: Review supplemental on Flesh & Stone
Obsessed with Film(3rd) - TV Ratings: THE PRISONER (ITV1) & DOCTOR WHO (BBC1)
This is Staffordshire(3rd) - TV Review: Dr Who – BBC1
flick filosopher(2nd) - ‘Doctor Who’ blogging: “Flesh and Stone”
Popzara(2nd) - Doctor Who Season 05.05 - Flesh and Stone Micro-Review
SFX(1st) - “Flesh And Stone”
Digital Spy(1st) - How do you rate 'Flesh and Stone'?
Anglotopia(1st) - Doctor Who – Series 5 – Episode 5 Review – Flesh and Stone – Relatively SPOILER FREE!!!
The Guardian(1st) - Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone – series 31, episode five
Telegraph(1st) - Doctor Who review: Flesh and Stone
Telegraph(1st) - Dr Who hots up with steamy scenes
Daily Mail(1st) - Who's steamed up the Tardis? The Doctor shares a passionate kiss with companion Amy
Anglotopia(30th Apr) - This Week in Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone Review
Den of Geek(30th Apr) - Doctor Who: Flesh And Stone spoiler-free review
Digital Spy(28th) - Look around Doctor Who's 'oxygen factory'
The Sun(27th) - Red alert... Amy needs a Doctor
Pink Paper(26th) - TV: Doctor Who – Flesh and Stone
Digital Spy(26th) - Ten teasers about 'Flesh and Stone'
Den of Geek(26th) - Flesh and Stone Gallery
BSC Review(25th) - Doctor Who – ‘Flesh and Stone’ trailer
Digital Spy(27th) - Gallery: 'Doctor Who - Flesh and Stone'
TV Overmind(25th) - Promo – Doctor Who 5.05 "Flesh and Stone"