Friday 16 April 2010

Article roundup 16th April 2010

Plenty more coverage of the Doctor Who launch in New York, with interviews and videos dotted throughout the media there. Still, at least Heston likes fish fingers and custard!

Victory of the Daleks
SFX(15th) - Gatiss On Daleks (full interview with Mark Gatiss)
Den of Geek(16th) - Doctor Who: Victory Of The Daleks gallery
Digital Spy(15th) - Gallery: 'Doctor Who - Victory of the Daleks'

Series Coverage/The Eleventh Hour (USA)
A.V. Club(16th) - The new Doctor Who: Steven Moffat and Matt Smith
Mirror [UK](16th) - Look Who's in NY..
Reuters(15th) - "Doctor Who" returns with usual wit, depth
Chicago Now(15th) - Matt Smith rocks new TARDIS, bow tie and briefs as 'Doctor Who'
Chicago Now(15th) - Who knew? Matt Smith soars as madcap, marvelous new 'Doctor Who'
IGN [UK](15th) - Who Is The New Doctor?
Hollywood Reporter(15th) - Doctor Who -- TV Review
Newsarama(15th) - DOCTOR WHO: "There's No 11th Doctor, Just The Doctor"
Film School Rejects(15th) - Interview: Steven Moffat and the Future of Doctor Who
New York Times(15th) - Eleventh Time’s the Charm: Meet Your New ‘Doctor Who’
Paley Center(15th) - Who's Next? The New Era of Doctor Who (video)
USA Today(15th) - See video, pics from last night's 'Doctor Who' event
Occasional Superheroine(15th) - Fan behaviour that embarrasses everybody
Victoria Advocate(15th) - Season premiere of Dr. Who,' Saturday on BBC America - The Doctor gets in touch with his Whoness: Review
Pittsburgh Post Gazette(15th) - The Doctor gets in touch with his Whoness
The Sun [UK](15th) - Gillan swaps sexy for chic
Daily Mail [UK](15th) - Doctor Who's Karen Gillan swaps her short skirts for old school glamour in New York

Series Coverage/The Eleventh Hour (Canada)
Toronto Star(16th) - The new Doctor is in
National Post(15th) - Doctor Who, where are you?

Series Coverage/The Eleventh Hour (Australia)
ABC Online(16th) - Who's next?
APC Magazine(16th) - ABC premieres new Dr Who on iView ahead of TV broadcast
Sydney Morning Herald(16th) - Dr Who gets a new time machine
ABC Queensland(15th) - Eleventh (TV) "Dr Who" Matt Smith (and Head Writer/EP Stephen Moffat)

South Wales Echo(15th) - Torchwood character resurrected for comic

Metro(15th) - Doctor Who's Karen Gillan vs Glee's Lea Michele: Hot or not?

The Force(15th) - Corsham Family Sci-Fi Day

Den of Geek(15th) - The Top Ten Dalek stories
North Wiltshire and Kennet Gazette and Herald(15th) - Children hunt down evil Daleks hiding in town
In Style(15th) - Get the Look: Dr Who's Amy Pond rocks a name necklace

Passing Mention
Times(15th) - Heston Blumenthal: What’s so strange about white chocolate and caviar? (Doctor's taste)