Wednesday 2 June 2010

Article roundup 2nd June 2010

Vincent and the Doctor
Den of Geek(2nd) - Doctor Who series 5: Vincent And The Doctor gallery
Digital Spy(1st) - Richard Curtis preferred Master to Doctor
Digital Spy(1st) - Curtis avoids van Gogh jokes in 'Who'
Digital Spy(1st) - Curtis says 'Who' is TV's 'Hamlet'
BSC Review(1st) - ‘Vincent & The Doctor’ teaser and pics – Doctor Who
Den of Geek(1st) - Doctor Who: Vincent And The Doctor trailer
Anglotopia(31st) - Doctor Who – Trailer for Vincent and the Doctor – Next Week’s Episode!

Cold Blood
Digital Spy(1st) - How did you feel about 'Cold Blood'?
The Collective Review(1st) - DOCTOR WHO SERIES 5, EPISODE 9 – COLD BLOOD: A REVIEW
flick filosopher(31st) - ‘Doctor Who’ blogging: “Cold Blood”
Popzara(30th) - Doctor Who Season 05.09 - Cold Blood Micro-Review

Series Coverage
TV Overmind(1st) - Doctor Who Spoilers – The Pandorica Opens
Digital Spy(1st) - 'Doctor Who' character to return? (spoilers)
Digital Spy(1st) - Anyone for a look around the TARDIS?

Future Series Coverage
Digital Spy(1st) - Gaiman refuses to reveal 'Who' details

Series Coverage (USA)
Newsarama(1st) - Post Game TV Recap: DOCTOR WHO S5E7 - "Amy's Choice"

TES(1st) - Royal Opera House's Write an Opera scheme
Get Bracknell(1st) - Dalek to make appearance at school fete
Jarrow and Hebburn Gazette(31st) - Faces from Dr Who's past head for town

Chip Chick(1st) - Doctor Who Red Dalek is Ready to Patrol Your Desk and Exterminate!

Scarborough Evening News(2nd) - Time travelling treat for bookworms
BBC News(1st) - Web domains owned by BBC revealed
CNN(1st) - Geek Out!: Getting my con on, TimeGate style
Small Screen Scoop(1st) - Doctor Who and Dean Martin pair up beautifully
Religion Dispatches(1st) - Which is the ‘Real’ Reality?: Doctor Who Part IV
Geeks are Sexy(31st) - AMAZING: Dr. Who Theme Performed on Twin Tesla Coils
Essex Echo(31st) - Young chef Georgia cooked for JLS on TV

Passing Mention
Isle of Wight County Press(2nd) - Residents crow mad over festival
Tech Eye(1st) - Mobile phones kill off bees
Irish Herald(31st) - Eurovision proves that not everyone loves us after all