Saturday 20 March 2010

Article roundup 20th March 2010

More feedback from the press screening on Thursday, plus a new trailer for the series seemingly imminent on television. Meanwhile, with Torchwood's future in the UK uncertain, John Barrowman has hinted that Jack might turn straight for an American version of the show.

Into the Future/Press Screening Coverage
The Times(20th) - Steven Moffat - the new brains behind Doctor Who
Daily Record(20th) - Karen Gillan makes a saucy debut as Scots take over new series of Doctor Who
Mirror(20th) - Matt Smith says playing Doctor Who is like signing for Manchester United
Yorkshire Evening Post(19th) - Landing Doctor Who role 'like signing for Manchester United'
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph(19th) - Dr Who's "lovely feeling" at landing the part
Digital Spy(19th) - Moffat: 'Matt is going to be gorgeous'
Digital Spy(19th) - Weeping Angels 'are way worse this time' (Steven Moffat on Breakfast)
Mirror(19th) - Doctor Who new star Matt Smith may have romance with new assistant Karen Gillan in show
Gant Daily(19th) - New "Doctor Who" Episode Has World Premiere
South Wales Echo(19th) - Doctor Who - the new series
CBBC(19th) - Are you looking forward to the new Dr Who?
Variety(19th) - 'Doctor Who' braces for new world
Pop Culture Zoo(19th) - BBC Press Office Interviews New ‘Doctor Who’ Team
Topless Robot(19th) - The New Doctor Doesn't Know How to Work the TARDIS
CBBC(19th) - New Dr Who hits the red carpet
Stage(19th) - First Look: Doctor Who series 5 - The Eleventh Hour
Glasgow Evening Times(19th) - Dr Who steps out to promise scary time
Guardian(19th) - Sun gives new Doctor Who tentative thumbs-up
Life of Wylie(19th) - Doctor Who: It’s About Time
South Wales Echo(19th) - Doctor Who back in the city he loves
News Wales(19th) - Cardiff hailed as magnet for TV shows
Digitial Spy(19th) - The second 'Who' series five trailer! (video)
Broadcast(19th) [subscription] - Matt Smith confirmed for more Doctor Who

Doctor Who on Tour
Edinburgh Evening News(20th) - Look Who's coming to town: Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital

Entertainment Weekly(19th) - 'Torchwood' exclusive: Would U.S. version turn Capt. Jack straight?
Digital Spy(19th) - Barrowman reacts to US 'Torchwood' plans
After Elton(19th) - John Barrowman on the "Torchwood" remake
io9(19th) - What's Happened To Torchwood?

Shadowlocked(19th) - Doctor Who complete reviews: The Chase

The Australian(20th) - Back to the future