Sunday, 27 December 2009

Article roundup 27th December 2009

The End of Time Part One Reviews
Film Shaft(27th) - Doctor Who – The End Of Tennant
Mirror(27th) - A Big Boo to Doctor Who
TV Squad(26th) - Review: Doctor Who - The End of Time, Part 1
Digital Spy(26th) - The End Of Time Part One: The Verdict
Coventry Telegraph(26th) - Doctor Who The End of Time Part One: Master stroke or a leap too far?
Flick Filosopher(26th) - ‘Doctor Who’: “The End of Time: Part One” -- OMG
Den of Geek(26th) - Doctor Who: The End Of Time Part One review
Anglotopia(25th) - Doctor Who The End of Time Part 1 Review – SPOILERS!!!!
Comic Book Movies(25th) - ThwhtGuardian reviews Doctor Who: The End of Time pt. 1
Times(26th) - A dark Christmas in the Square – and in the Tardis
Guardian(25th) - Doctor Who: The End of Time – the verdict

BBC Christmas Ratings
Wales on Sunday(27th) - Viewers turn to ‘Auntie’ at Xmas
Herald Scotland(27th) - Beeb wins the ratings war ... thanks to soap bubble and a time traveller
The Times(27th) - Doctor Who fails to top Christmas TV ratings
Guardian(26th) - BBC shows dominate festive ratings
Digital Spy(26th) - 'Enders tops lacklustre Christmas Day
BBC News(26th) - EastEnders tops 2009 Christmas Day ratings
Mirror(26th) - Death of EastEnders' villain Archie is crowning glory for Beeb

The End of Time (General)
Monsters and Critics(26th) - Boxing Day is 'Doctor Who' Tennant finale day on BBC AMERICA
Anglotopia(26th) - Spoilerific Clip from Doctor Who: The End of Time Part 2 New Year’s Special
Airlock Alpha(26th) - First Look At 'Doctor Who' Christmas Special
Courant TV Eye(26th) - On Saturday: Another 'Doctor Who' Special
Boston Herald(26th) - Tennant bids farewell to ‘Doctor Who’
MTV(25th) - David Tennant Talks 'Doctor Who' Season Finale: Time War Secrets, Familiar Faces And A 'Brilliant' Twist
io9(25th) - Davies' Doctor Who Revival Was A Miracle, But Its Ending Remains Uncertain
Sci-Fi Wire(24th) - As Doctor Who's David Tennant exits, the Master is reborn

Independent(27th) - Tennant pays tribute to 'Doctor Who' heroes as he bows out
Mirror(27th) - Tennant: Mum who made me (David pays tribute to his mother) (alternative link)
Digital Spy(26th) - Moen: 'Matt Smith is too young for Who' (Alexandra Moen)
Mirror(26th) - Doctor Who star Alexandra Moen says we'll all miss David Tennant

BBC News(27th) - Entertainment Year in pictures 09
South Wales Echo(26th) - Fans holding a torch for Ianto raise £12,000 (for Children in Need)
Mirror(26th) - Out with the Old, In with the Who (David Tennant/Matt Smith)
Digital Spy(24th) - Tennant: I'll miss Doctor Who comics
Boston Herald(26th) - Who’s who in the world of ‘Who’?
Daily Mail(26th) - Noughties but nice: Entertainment highlights of the past 10 years